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Free crocodile stitch scratch mittens!

Been a while since I've posted a blog; for which I must apologise.

Anyway; I've got another niece on the way, so I thought I'd make her a cute little hat and booties set. However; whilst making it, my mother suggest matching scratch mittens.

I don't want to rain on other artists parades; so I have included the links the the bonnet (free) and the booties ($6). I couldn't afford the pattern to the booties myself. so I made one up instead. However I am not sharing my free version as I like to respect other artists work.

I would suggest to take a look at the bonnet pattern before making my mittens. I'm not going to bother explaining the front-post, back-post half trebles, the V stitch and the Crocodile stitch; as all of these can be found on the pattern for the bonnet. No point having it explain twice; right?

So these mittens are for 0-3 months, but can be made bigger by adding extra stitch and rows.

I have used english crochet terms. see my stitch conversion chart for the other terms.

This is an intermediate pattern; if you do not know the stitches then have a quick google.


  • dk yarn

  • 3.50mm hook

  • 2 buttons, thread and a needle

  • yarn sewing needle.


2DC =2 DC in the same stitch

DC 2 = 1 DC in the next 2 stitch

anything in brackets requires to be repeated.

BPHTR= back post half treble crochet

FPHTR= front post half treble crochet( these last 2 are special stitches, please google if your unsure; I will add my own tutorial on this at a later date)


Ch 27

1) HTR in 3rd ch from hook, HTR in each st across

2) Ch2 turn, FPHTR (BPHTR,FPHTR) across the rest of the row.

3-9) repeat row 2.

10) Ch1 turn, DC in each st.

here's where things might get a little confusing, this first mitten is the babie's RIGHT mitten. f/o and place a stitch marker. REMEMBER, this stitch marker is at the top left corner, and is the right side of the work! I have left the marker in all of my photos to show which mitten is which.

top is the RIGHT mitten, bottom LEFT

Repeat rows 1-10 for the 2nd mitten, but this time do not fasten off. This will be the babies LEFT mitten.

Instead, at the end of the row Ch 11

11) V ST in 4th Ch from hook, (SK 2 ST, V ST) repeat 10 times, sk 1 st, HTR in last stitch.

(You should have 2 HTR, 11 V STS.)

12) turn, SS in 1st HTR, crocodile stitch in the 1st V ST, SK the next V st, Crocodile ST in the next. (every other Vst should be crocodile STs). After the last Crocodile ST, SS into the last HTR.

13)Ch2 turn, V st ithe middle of every crocodile ST and the Ch space in each emtpy V ST. when you get to the last V ST, miss 1 st, HTR in last stitch.

14) turn, SS in 1st 2 HTR and the ch space, in 2nd V ST make a crocodile stitch, then in every other V ST, untill the end of the row, SS in the ch pace and HTR of last V ST AND the last HTR. f/o.

Now go back to the first mitten. Attach a new piece of yarn where you finished off back on row 10. (by the ST marker) SS across the entire of row 10 then ch 11, and work from row 11-14.

The reasoning behind making half of 1 mitten then the completing the 2nd mitten before returning to the 1st; is that it makes life easier figuring out which mitten is which, and prevents you from making 2 rights or 2 lefts. (I have done so many times!)

Once both are made, tidy up any loose ends, then fold them in half right sides together and sew down the side and bottom of the mitten.

Turn them the right side out and add the buttons.

your done!

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